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Skribentens bildHelena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

Astroguidance 3rd June - 9th June

Helena-Magdalena's astro-guide for the week!

The week begins with a positive meeting as Jupiter and Pluto form a trine to each other in Gemini and Aquarius.

The energies shift this week as Mercury enters Gemini and Mars enters Taurus.

Mercury is very active in the heavens during the week and in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, it will be a full house as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter form stellium.

In addition, there is a New Moon in Gemini on Thursday, so the witty, lively, mental and life-enjoying energies of Gemini and Mercury characterise this week.

Monday 3 June

Jupiter, Gemini trine Pluto, Aquarius 2*

Jupiter and Pluto beam together in the air signs Gemini and Aquarius today. This transit increases your higher consciousness while strengthening your intuition. It brings power that comes from within. It is a wonderful energy for creating the changes you desire in your life.

Mercury, Taurus sextile Neptune, Pisces 29.42*

Mercury rules your thoughts and Neptune your intuition so this transit also creates authenticity within you. Listen to your inner self today and write down the insights that come to you.

Mercury into Gemini

Shortly after Mercury's transit to Neptune, Mercury moves on into one of its own signs, Gemini. This is where Mercury's witty and curious energy comes into its own. This contributes to a wonderful communicative energy in the coming weeks. Everything that has to do with communication is favoured.

Tuesday 4 June

Sun conjunct Venus, 14* Gemini

The Sun meets up with Venus today in Gemini, creating loving energies. It is a lucky transit that strengthens your attractiveness and your aesthetic sense. This transit is also conducive to good luck.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter 2* Gemini

Another lovely conjunction is formed today between the heavenly messenger Mercury and the heavenly guru Jupiter. This transit brings good news, joy and a wonderful flow in life. You may get new and exciting ideas so today is a perfect day to write down your vision of the future.

Mercury, Gemini trine Pluto, Aquarius 2*

Today, Mercury is also forming a lovely trine to Pluto, bringing power to your person and your words. This transit helps you think smart and get your ideas across. You may also meet people who influence you through their strong charisma, or it may be the meeting with a soul mate that influences you today.

Wednesday 5 June

No transits

Thursday 6/6

New Moon Gemini 16*

The New Moon in Gemini inspires your desire to be more spontaneous and to take life a little more as it comes. The lust for life that Gemini represents is enriched by the vitality of the Sun and the loving energies of Venus. With the trine of Jupiter and Pluto, it's a perfect time to listen to your inner self and create new goals for your life, inviting more love, spontaneity and zest for life. Saturn creates tensions with the Sun, Moon and Venus and this gives you the opportunity to recognise where you are stuck and what changes you want to make. Write wonderful goals for the future today, they will be realistic and long-term as Saturn is in the corner.

Friday 7 June

No transits

Saturday 8 June

Venus, Gemini square Saturn, Pisces 19*

Today there is a challenging transit between Venus and Saturn that may cause tensions in love relationships. These may be related to stress and demands. You may feel lonely and you may also want to withdraw to be by yourself today.

Sunday 9 June

Mars enters Taurus

Mars is now leaving his own sign of Aries, where he has contributed to decisiveness and forthrightness, to move on into Taurus. This means that you may feel that you are slowing down, your drive is strong but you may prefer to think more long-term and let things take a little longer. In love, you seek stability and security rather than passion and heat.

Sun, Gemini square Saturn, Pisces 19*

When the Sun and Saturn meet in quadrature, tensions arise. You may feel like life is testing your character a little extra today. You may feel a little depressed by all the demands but also determined to get things done in the best way possible. Be a little extra kind to yourself today.

Astrologer: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

I wish you an exciting week!

Light and love,


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