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Skribentens bildHelena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

Horoscope March 28th to April 25th

A tumultuous time!

The upcoming weeks are astrologically turbulent on several levels. On 3/25, the eclipse period began with the full moon in Libra and ends with the new moon in Aries on 4/8, now we all receive a friendly push forward from the Universe. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograde in Aries from 4/1 to 4/25. As if that weren't enough, the biggest astrological event of the year occurs on 4/21 when Jupiter and Uranus meet in conjunction in Taurus, affecting the world at large and each of us personally.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

A lot is happening in your life now as several planets pass through Aries, and you start a new annual cycle on your birthday. Additionally, the new moon in your sign on 4/8 offers an opportunity for rebirth. New opportunities are opening up for you, so take new steps now. Jupiter and Uranus meet in your second house, the house of your inner personal resources and also for your finances. So, things can change quickly, and you may feel a burning passion to earn money through alternative avenues. The opportunities are countless, so listen to your intuition and use your creativity. Mercury is retrograde until 4/25, so take the opportunity to tie up loose ends in your life. My tip: Focus on a fresh start! Love: 3/28, 4/3, 4/6, 4/18 Work: 4/9, 4/11, 4/20 Friends: 3/28, 4/6, 4/9, 4/12, 4/20

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Dear Taurus, the past few years have brought significant changes for you in many different ways, as Uranus has been transiting your sign since 2018 and Jupiter since the summer of 2023. You are starting a new 12-year cycle during this year, and during these weeks, you may become very aware of where you are going in life. You have all the opportunities to expand, grow, and create greater freedom for yourself. Your intuition is particularly strong during these weeks, so listen inward and meditate on who you are now, your new self. Mercury retrograde gives you the opportunity to gather loose threads to become clearer about where you are heading. One thing is for sure, your life is changing forever now and onward. My tip: Let go of your old self!

Gemini (May 22 – June 20)

Find your soul tribe, your group of like-minded people to engage in something you all are passionate about. Connecting with these people gives your life greater meaning as you genuinely want to contribute to making the world a better place together. This can happen in real life or online. Listen inward for your inner guidance and let your heart speak more than your brain and follow what comes to you. You'll gain insights that can change your life forever. Additionally, you are drawn to everything international, so consider the possibilities of living as a digital nomad, so you can be the flying bird that is your true nature. My tip: Find your life's higher purpose.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

You are proactive and driven in the upcoming weeks. Filled with inspiration, you may encounter exciting new opportunities, either in your career or in life itself. You are social and gravitate towards like-minded individuals who love engaging in the same topics as you do. This could be in community involvement, volunteer work, or other gatherings where you feel people share your ideals for making the world a better place. Your social activism is strong, and you can truly make a difference. You thrive in circles where people can grow in various ways. Working with women or children and youth suits you very well. My tip: Surround yourself with your soul tribe!

Leo (July 22 – August 22)

Fantastic weeks await you now! Filled with visions of the future, you feel like the whole world is at your feet as you look towards the future for your career, which is currently thriving, or for your personal life. There's an adventurous seeker within you propelling you forward in life now. Your quest for the meaning of life may lead you to adopt a new life philosophy found in distant lands. Don't hesitate; follow your guidance forward. Aim high and believe in yourself! Your life path, your career, and your inner success through personal development are irresistible, so jot down your dreams to create an exciting new future now! My tip: Conquer the world!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Your intuition is very strong in the coming weeks, making it the perfect time for healing, therapy, and detoxification that brings about inner transformation. Finding peace within through mindfulness and meditation alleviates your worries and gives you clarity about where you're headed in life. It's good for you to review shared finances now; whether it's with a partner, a co-owner, or someone else you have financial commitments with. Misunderstandings and delays may occur, so avoid signing contracts until after 4/25. In the weeks to come, you may have revelations about how and where on Earth you can find your life philosophy. You're being guided in the right direction now. My tip: Discover your life philosophy!

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your relationships are looking radiant now on all fronts, and new people are coming into your life. It could be a new love if you're single, new friends, or opportunities for new collaborations. If you're in a relationship, your love deepens beautifully, and you have a strong sense of belongingness and a desire to live your lives together. Deep within, significant changes are happening; you're healing old wounds and undergoing a profound liberation. Your inner voice is strong, and you know exactly who you are deep down, allowing your new life to unfold based on your inner drive. You and your partner may encounter unexpected fantastic financial opportunities in April. My tip: Listen to your inner voice!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your relationships look exciting in the coming weeks. If you're in a relationship, you're creating new exciting dreams about your shared future. This might manifest as finding an alternative way to live your life, with exciting insights coming your way. There's also a purification happening in your relationships, and you'll encounter new exciting people on your life path. They may come into your life as new friends, colleagues, or partners in various ways. If you're single, you have fantastic opportunities to find love now. You're radiant! Exciting changes may also arise in your daily life, at work, or on the home front. Create greater freedom in your life. My tip: Welcome new people into your life!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

The most fun time of the year for you is here! Filled with energy and big dreams, every day feels like a thrilling adventure. Make opportunities to express your longing for freedom. Take the chance to visit new, exciting places, meet new people, and have fun. A trip is perfect. Love is smiling upon you, and if you're single, love may enter your life. You're flirtatious, fun, and inviting, and others are drawn to you like a magnet. Expect significant changes in your daily life when Jupiter and Uranus meet on 4/21. It could be new exciting tasks at work or a new job. You'll gain insights into your health and revamp your lifestyle entirely. My tip: Enjoy love!

Capricorn (December 21 – January 20)

Your home and family are in focus in the coming weeks. There may be a misunderstanding in your family, which can feel confusing, but it will resolve by the end of April. Be extra clear in your communication, do your best, and trust that everything will clear up again. It's also a perfect time for you to create a new home. Whether it's by changing your decor, renovating, or choosing a new residence. In April, your creativity is at its peak, and it's important for you to express your creativity in various ways. In the coming weeks, it's perfect to have fun, travel, evolve, and invite more joy into your life. My tip: Enjoy life!

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Your energy is at its peak, and you thrive best with like-minded people. Your commitment is significant, and it's important for you to engage in something you're truly passionate about. The month brings friendship, and your social life is thriving. Together with these fantastic people you meet, exciting conversations are sparked, and inspiration flows. With Jupiter and Uranus meeting in Taurus, you'll gain brilliant insights into how you want to live and how your home should suit you. Perhaps the longing to take the step fully and live as a digital nomad is awakened. You have all the opportunities to realize your dreams! Think outside the box and create your future to inspire others. My tip: Unleash your unique self!

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

It's perfect for you to review your finances now. With Mercury retrograde in your second house and the new moon also occurring there, take the opportunity to thoroughly go through your finances and see how you can best get a fresh start to improve your finances. This also applies to your personal resources. What gifts do you have to share with the world, and how can you create financial flow through your expertise? With several planets in your house of communication and networking, you have an easy time getting your thoughts, ideas, and creations out there. It's also favorable for you to learn new, exciting subjects now. It's also perfect for you to hold courses and lectures now.

I work as an astrologer for the magazines Nära and Tara in Sweden.

work with the CET time zone.

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I wish you an exciting week!

Light and love,


Astrologer: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

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